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Professional Pet Grooming

Make your pet feel like a Paw Star!


Services offered

Bath & Haircut

Bath and a full groom, also includes; teeth brushing, nails (buffed or cut), ears cleaned (Plucking by request). Prices start at $80 and vary based on coat texture/condition/thickness/pet's size and type of haircut desired. Upgrades available as an extra fee

Bath, Brush and Blow out

Bath with shampoo to suit your pet's need and a conditioner followed. This is followed by a blow out and light brushing. Includes; Teeth Brushing, Nails (Buff or cut), ears cleaned (Plucking by request). Prices start at $50 and vary on pet's size, coat texture, thickness and condition. Upgrades available as an extra fee

Intro to grooming

This is for puppies 6 months and under. Includes; bath, brush, blow out, nails (buff or cut), ear cleaning (Plucking by request) and a face/feet/sani trim. Perfect to get your puppy used to the grooming process and set them up for a life time of enjoying being groomed. Prices start at $55 and vary due to size your pup will be full grown and coat/texture. Upgrades available as an extra fee

Stand Alone Services

Teeth Brushing
Ear Cleaning (Plucking by request)
Anal Gland Expression

Mobile Grooming

Currently suspended check back later

House Call

To book this service text, email or use the contact me box. This is limited to dogs under 50 pounds, there are some exceptions, see the House Grooming Tab. Prices are higher than salon pricing but I do have ways to lower the price. 


About me


Born and raised in the area, I started my grooming journey in 2012 as a bather and soon after became a groomer full time. I am finally able to go out on my own and offer one on one grooming for your furry loved one. Keeping your furry family member calm and relaxed while making them pretty is a priority for me.


Any question not answered here, feel free to ask

What Vaccinations are required?

Each pet is required to have a current rabies vaccine or current vet paperwork to prove an annual titer test to be groomed. Pets under 4months old must have all current shots required for their age (generally their 2nd round). Any pet showing signs of kennel cough, worms or anything else that is contagious will be asked to reschedule and have a vet approval the illness has been treated.

What would make a pet be sent home?

Any overly aggressive pet (ether towards humans or other animals), pregnancy, your pet showing any signs of extreme stress, not having updates vaccines required or your pet shows any signs of a contagious illness that can be passed along to human or animal. This is to keep anyone and any animal in the salon safe. All breeds are welcome!

My pet needs to go to the vet. Will you take them?

Your pet will be taken to closest vet that can treat for the reason a vet visit is needed. This could be just down the street or all the way to the nearest Emergency 24hr vet. If the reason for a vet is needed was caused due to grooming vet bills will be covered by me. Any vet trip needed that was caused by an underlying health condition (ether known or unknown) will be your responsibility.

What does One on One mean?

This means my focus is on your pet only. From the time you check in to the time you pick up, your furry family member(s) are my focus. This also requires you to pick up within 20-30 minutes after you're sent a text saying your pet is done.

What is your cleaning policy?

Time is allowed for cleaning equipment between each appointment. Towels are not reused and washed between each use in a hypoallergenic detergent.

Contact Me


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©2023 by Paw Star Grooms.

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